Dawn Delauise Skin Refinery
Its hard to choose is more exuberant and
vibrant, the blonde powerhouse of energy
that greets you at the door of the Dawn
Delauise Skin Salon, or the glow from within
as you walk out the door an hour later.
This is no traditional facial, but a blend
of science and the hand of an expert. After
a gentle but amazingly effective cleaning
and scrub (which includes a little vacuum-like
blackhead remover), Dawn wraps your face
and décolletage in yucca-drenched
clothes soaked with a concoction of vitamins
and minerals, and covers the whole enchilada
with a mask-like contraption that begs for
Silence of the Lambs jokes. We watched in
amazement as our skin literally drank in
bottles of the stuff as galvanic current
from the mask drove it deep into the layers
of skin that needed it most.
The result?
giving your face a drink of water for an
hour. Turns out the effects of dehydration
when mixed with stress, toxins, and gravity
really do a number on your skin, and although
it felt a little strange at first, the result
was staggering. All the little fine lines
we walked in with seemed to have, well,
disappeared into youth. If this is what
it takes to feel and look refreshed like
this, we’ll dress up like Hannibal
the cannibal anytime. $125
Until you imagine a lineup... if you glance
at the list of celebrities who rely on Dawn
to keep them looking well rested... (christina
applegate, sarah michelle gellar, for example),
you realize that they are the ones you've
subconsiously noted for their fresh-faced,
wrinkle and blemish free complexions, even
though you had never made the connection
between their skin and their je-ne-sais-quoi...much
like miss Delauise herself.